Monday, May 16, 2011

new home and other random thoughts.

This weekend I spent some time at Belflorissimo. It was a flower market in Belfort - but only for the weekend. I love fresh flowers. I love the smell. I love the way they look in the house. And, even if I buy them for myself, which is usually the case, there's something romantic about having fresh flowers. I was excited to look at all the flowers and to put some on our table, in our apartment... OUR apartment. Yay! Finally. This is really our first apartment.. together.. alone. I couldn't be more excited.

We spent all day Saturday running around to grocery stores to stock our cabinets and to home stores to buy much needed essentials. We were busy unpacking, organizing, reorganizing, and just getting settled. The apartment is so perfect, and I am so happy here. We even have a little backyard with a garden - I've already purchased mint and tomatoes but can't wait to buy more flowers, basil, etc. I see dollar signs involved here, but I really want to transform our little yard into an escape... with lights, a hammock, flowers, fresh herbs and veggies, some lounge chairs... hmm... and more!

All these new adventures and forward moving steps together with my love have me thinking a lot about love. And, I realized that the French language, one supposedly so romantic, doesn't have a word that deciphers between like and love. Doesn't that seem wrong? I feel like when you're in a relationship, it's a big step to say "I love you" after months or years of saying "I like you." In French, there's really no differentiating. If I want to say I like something, I say, "J'aime" (I like) but if I want to say I love something, I also say "J'aime" (I love). I told my teacher that I feel like a creep telling someone I like them because I think it sounds like I'm saying I love them. She said usually someone would say, "J'aime beaucoup" (I like a lot) if you're referring to liking something and just j'aime if you love it. So all this time I've been telling people "J'aime ma professeur," I've been sounding like I'm in love with her?? Couldn't this problem just be solved by having a separate word for love? Is that too much to ask?

Well, that's all I have time for today. I'm already feeling so at peace in my new home and anxious to accomplish more. I sat down and made breakfast and drank a cup of tea in my pajamas this morning. My guy and I have already shared fun meals together and late night sweet treats. That sure beats having to get all dressed and put makeup on to go get a snack at the hotel. Today, I want to do some gardening, deep cleaning, and then pack my bag because tomorrow I'm off to visit my Aunt and Uncle in Italy for a week!

Ciao friends! xx


Deidre said...

Have so much fun in Italy. I love how you describe your new place as yours - his and yours. I think it's so sweet and I can't WAIT to do that with my guy...hopefully soon!

Kaylia Payne said...

It sounds so wonderful! And that is fantastic that you have your own little backyard :) Being in an apartment without one I can now appreciate just how necessary it is. Enjoy your trip to Italy!!!

NikiBaltimore said...

I am so happy you are settled in your new place with a KITCHEN of your own! I am sure you are enjoying cooking for your man. I like cooking for my man- "J'aime beaucoup" ;) Miss you!