Thursday, November 18, 2010


Yesterday I celebrated my first Eid el adha with my love. The holiday is meant to be celebrated with a lot of enthusiasm, enjoying each and every moment. Unfortunately, I had to work so I cannot promise that I enjoyed each and every moment but I did my very best. My sweet guy came to my work because he said the most important thing on this holiday is to be together! I liked that surprise. He also told me that on this day we are to dress in new clothes... do you think I would disagree with that!? With new clothes you always look good and when you look good, you feel good. For me, the day was a success!

I accomplished so much at work and began training the person who will take my place since my departure is Friday! After work, we went to a Moroccan restaurant in Park Slope. The place was called Babouche and we really enjoyed it. Nothing was nearly as good as when he cooks (and to him, it didn't compare to his mom's cooking) but we did enjoy the atmosphere and it was a treat. The best part was finding a coupon on which saved us $15! I would show you pictures but the iPhone photos didn't come out well! Boo! I think that is an excuse to go back again!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

A Not So Thrilling Thursday...

My Thursday off was supposed to be relaxing... and it kind of was... for the first few hours...

 I was lucky enough to have off on Veteran's Day. Naturally, I wanted to do the usual weekend activities. Every Saturday and Sunday my love and I wake up and debate whether or not to get bagels. I really don't understand why we do this because we both want the bagels and we both know we're going to end up going. We walk the six or seven blocks to The Bagel Store where we are greeted by Michelle who knows me by name (knows me by name meaning she calls me Katelin but I am used to that).  We always call ahead and order first otherwise the wait is absurdly long for a bagel (but probably still worth it). We order the same thing every time. Well, just like on a Saturday, we walked to get our bagels but on the way back, I popped into a coffee shop only to be disappointed when they didn't have pumpkin spiced coffee.

I wouldn't have even been on that side of the road if I hadn't decided to detour to the coffee shop but since I did, I saw the crime scene that was my cute, little car. My window had been broken and I was afraid to even look any closer.

Because of my impending move, the backseat of my car had clothes on hangers laying across it and once the mean, mean thieves saw those goodies - they broke the window, popped the trunk, and ransacked my whole car. They took my GPS, the brand new super cute (still in the box) rain boots my lovely mother had just bought me, and the contents of my truck - which was pretty much the tangible contents of my life.

Side bar: Transitioning from the master bedroom I had all to myself in college to a one bedroom apartment I had all to myself in Long Island to living in a five bedroom apartment with four roommates wasn't the easiest move I made. So in order for my stuff to not take up the whole apartment and my parents' garage, I have been using my trunk as a quasi-storage unit.

My roller blades, tennis rackets, favorite books, 2 suitcases full of clothes and shoes and jewelry are just some of the items that were taken from me!! I called the police and after what seemed like forever they came to survey the damage themselves.  I had to make a list of all the things I'd had stolen but that is easier said than done. You try making a list of all the things you own while you're in shock, crying, and so overwhelmed. Just so you can get the full image of how much was stolen - I have been wearing my love's sandals around the house, I had to borrow socks from him, and I had to purchase underwear because the only ones I had were the ones in my laundry - everything else had been packed.

Of course I'm sad about everything (my Pandora bracelets were really sentimental to me. charms from a bunch of people all symbolizing different mile markers, achievements, and some that just provided me with motivation), but my smart mother, father, and aunt are right when they say that it could have been worse. What if I had seen the mean, mean thieves doing this and they tried to hurt me?

I will answer the one question you probably have... does insurance cover this? With that I leave you these words of advice, PROGRESSIVE IS WORTHLESS.

Yay for fall jackets!

My favorite thing about getting to wear all my fall jackets again this year are the wonderful surprises I find hiding inside them. Whether it be lip gloss, money (jackpot!!!), old ticket stubs that are reminiscent of past memories, or even receipts that make me laugh - such as those from Goppers Pizza (formerly Goppers, now Corrinados) from 2:30am (the only place in State College that had vegan pizza!), I always love checking my pockets to see what's hiding in all the nooks and crannies. I can never really remember if I meant to leave that $5 bill to find next year or if spring came sooner than I had expected and I just never wore that particular coat again. Nonetheless, I can't wait to wear all my jackets because I know I have many more treasures to find.

Perhaps the best part about my jacket collection this year is... well, it's basically all I have besides my shoes (I would have killed over the shoes!). Last Wednesday night, some mean, mean thieves stole practically everything I own!! I was supposed to move this past weekend so I had been moving everything little by little every time I went out to my car last week. I thought it would make the whole moving thing much easier and much less stressful. BAHHHHH!! That was a terrible idea!!! More about this on my next post....

Monday, November 15, 2010

Lady Liberty and the Brooklyn Bridge

We had friends visiting so it was the perfect time for us to do some of the very touristy things we had been wanting to do - like walking across the Brooklyn Bridge and visiting the Statue of Liberty. We had such a great time that we have since walked across the Brooklyn Bridge again and went back to see Ellis Island.

It's a great deal to go see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island because for $24 (for both our tickets) you get to see a piece of history, a marvel of a sight, and the boat ride is something fun to do, in itself! In a city as expensive as NYC, it's really an educational, fun, and affordable date!

we love D.C.

Memorial Day weekend my love and I decided to travel to Washington, D.C. to see the White House, the Washington Monument, and to go to a Moroccan restaurant I read reviews about on Yelp. We had an absolutely perfect weekend - Saturday night of dancing, Sunday of sightseeing, and Monday of relaxing on the lawn of the mall. It was a romantic weekend in a romantic city. I had been to DC with my family but never with a boyfriend and it was such a different experience. We loved walking the big, clean (!!) streets of our country's capital, seeing the White House by day and night, and enjoying such a culturally diverse city. Yes, we live in NYC so you would think we wouldn't be impressed by cultural diversity since we obviously have that here but there was something new and exciting about the people, the sights, and the culture of DC. I would love to live there one day.

 We ate twice at Marrakesh Palace because after 6 months living in the United States, my love was really missing his mom's home cooking. He had the lamb tagine and I had the vegetable cous cous.... yummmy!! He was even able to buy an authentic tagine which he hadn't stopped talking about before then. I had never eaten food prepared in a tagine before but now I'm a believer!

Here is my love with his tagine on the last day of Ramadan - ready to prepare a feast!

a perfect september saturday in central park

My first 9/11 living in NYC (as well as my love's) so we decided to do something very American.... riding our bikes to Central Park, having lunch at The Boathouse, and renting the cute, little row boats they have there (for just $12 you can row around Central Park for an hour!). We then took a nap before heading out to cheer on Penn State (we miserably lost to Alabama). Check out the patriotic view of the Empire State Building from the bar.

For Christmas I've asked for a real camera so hopefully soon I will be able to post some non-iPhone pics!

A little bit about me...

Hi! My name is Kaylan. I am a wild, crazy, sensitive, loving, creative, free-spirited young lady currently residing in Brooklyn, NYC.

I was born and raised at the New Jersey shore (much different than the MTV reality show) and had a wonderful childhood thanks to my amazing parents.

I spent my college years at Penn State University and if you haven't started college, go there, if you haven't visited, go there, and while I am writing this, I think I'll make some plans to... go back there. I loved everything about being at Penn State and miss the simpler times that were my college years, but in this crazy little thing called life... every single day is a new challenge and life keeps getting better (with some bumps along the way).

I currently have a job that I loathe and can't wait until I get the guts to walk away and find something that really makes me happy.

I would love to spend a year traveling and seeing the world now while I'm still young. I think NOW is the time and not when I am retired and seeing the world from my wheelchair... yikes! I don't want to think about that!

I have been a vegetarian for 15 years (and vegan for almost 9 of those!) until recently when I started eating fish. I haven't transitioned into the dairy or meat eating era of this new me but I'm not ruling it out.

So you may be thinking - why eat fish after 15 years!? Well, I guess you could say a man is responsible for that! You'll read plenty more about him (much to his dismay, I'm sure).

I will see how long I stick to this blog but it's something I have wanted to do for a while thanks to some inspiring blogs I read constantly and thanks to my boring job finding me craving a creative outlet. So, here I go! I hope you enjoy!