Wednesday, October 5, 2011

the little things.

I have been so sick these past few days. It started Friday night. I had a mildly sore throat that evolved into a terribly sore throat by Saturday. I didn't really mind, because I assumed it was a consequence of the changing weather and a wonderful opportunity to lay on the couch watching Felicity re-runs all day. I did manage to peel myself off the couch in time to get out for a run while the sun was still shining. It was too beautiful a day to stay wrapped up in blankets. I stopped every so often on my run to pick flowers to put in a mason jar in my living room. It is such a cute touch in the apartment. Although, I probably looked like such a flower child running with flowers in my hand decked out in head to toe pink running gear!

Sunday I was magically feeling much better and had a lovely day with the one I love. It was a wonderful day - a day full of compromising. I wanted to wake early, in time for breakfast at the hotel. I wanted to go for a romantic walk all afternoon around the beautiful town as the sun shone down on everything. My hands became full as I shed layer after layer. It was hot and we were burning in the blazing sun, but not the kind of burning that leaves you red, the kind of burning that reminds you you're alive. My guy tagged along dutifully, because the compromise was this: I chose what to do in the morning and the afternoon was all his!

Around 3 o'clock, "his part of the day" commenced. He wanted me to make lunch. I whipped up some grilled cheese and tomato sandwiches on delicious, crunchy bread I had picked up fresh from the corner boulangerie. I quickly cut up and fried homemade french fries. This has become somewhat of a staple in our little apartment. Sure, it is wildly unhealthy but for two people always on the move - comfort food is a welcomed pleasure (plus, after 7 years of veganism and I can't even remember how many years of not eating cheese, this new thing... this amazing sandwich full of butter and cheese has become somewhat of a revelation, seriously how could I have been missing out on this for all those years?). After our greasy, gooey lunch we took a long nap and watched movies all night.

To me, this was a perfect day. Besides the fact that it was his first day off in (no lie) 20 days, we both had the opportunity to share with the other what makes us happy. Me - a long walk through the winding streets and hidden trails of this historic town. Him - an afternoon of maxin' and relaxin' with his favorite gal (that's me!).

It may just be the little things in life that really do make us happy. Those little things fill in all the nooks and crannies in my heart. Whether it be a sweet package from my Mom, new flowers in my apartment, or a wonderful day spent with the one I love... these little moments, these small treasures... well, they just fill me up with the kind of happiness that envelopes me with love.  It makes me feel safe.

So as for the current state of my health.... UGH!!! By Monday I was back to being sick, and it seems to be getting worse by the day. I will try to get to the doctor, but this isn't as easy as you may think. I need to bring my translator (my guy) along but he usually doesn't have the time to take lunch let alone leave for over an hour to get me to a doctor. I canceled my classes today after my first class was a bit gross, coughing, sneezing and swallowing flem as I tried to annunciate pronunciation.

I am just so thankful that I had a small reprieve from my sickness on Sunday, allowing me the chance to have some much-needed time with my guy. Maybe being sick now stinks, but that's life and it could be much worse.   A little coughing and sneezing never killed anyone (right!?).

Now I lay me down to sleep...

1 comment:

Kaylia Payne said...

Your Sunday sounds like it was absolutely amazing! I loved reading this post, it was so positive and sweet. I'm sorry that you're feeling sick again, I hope you get to go to the doctor soon. Feel better! xoxo