Saturday, September 3, 2011

the week is over.

(photos from the past two weeks)
it's been a long week, but it's finally over. i can't help but missing home and my family and my friends. when it comes to the weekend, and i have no one to go grab a coffee with or someone to see a movie with or some ladies to go dancing with, then, well, i can't help but to be a little somber.

there are so many ways an afternoon with my mom or a best girlfriend can cure me. i know these little rendezvous will be full of laughter and smiles, secrets and gossip, stories reminiscing about the past and others sharing hopes for the future. we will give each other advice. we will comfort each other. these are things that i just cannot do from afar.

i know i can't replace my friends or my family while i am here, but i just wish i could have someone here. it's so hard to do these things with a language barrier. i really need to concentrate on practicing my french, because the longer it takes, the lonelier it is.

so with that being said, it's friday night. i am laying in my bed writing on this blog. i'm not complaining. life isn't always supposed to be exciting, but i could use a little bit more laughter and a lot more hugs.

have a nice weekend everyone :) ...full of laughter and hugs (or whatever it is that makes you happy!)

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