Saturday, July 2, 2011

4th 'o july weekend. and other things.

I always loved the 4th of July. I love everything that comes along with it like: listening to songs about America, fireworks, BBQ's, family, friends, beach, boats, and bikinis! I am happy that I get to be here in the USA this year. It wasn't originally the plan but because flights were so much more expensive this past week than they are next week, it just sort of worked out that way.

I am all ready to go back to France now. I have pretty much accomplished everything I wanted to get accomplished here. I now have my ticket booked, my Visa completed, and my International Driver's License tucked neatly inside my purse. And, the time with my family and seeing wonderful friends has been so wonderful, heart-warming, really.

Wherever this holiday weekend has you, be safe and enjoy.

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