Friday, April 15, 2011

carpe diem.

My favorite little phrase has been carpe diem for as long as I can remember. However, for as much as I say it and think it, I don't live by these words enough... Sieze the day. This will be my mantra.

Many of my favorite bloggers have been posting about their goals for the Spring as seen here, and I think I'd like to do the same. How can I really live by the phrase carpe diem? What do I want? Well, here's what I came up with.

My Goals (in no special order of importance):

~run everyday (even if it's just a mile)

~start doing sit-ups and pilates 3x a week

~be more patient

~take some time for me at the end of the day to do important things like flossing and moisturizing (this is the only body I'm going to have so I should respect it more!)

~turn off electronic devices and store them under the bed after 10pm

~become fluent in French

~become more informed: read the newspaper everyday from front to back and watch the news (in French!)

~read more

~pray more

~find a new hobby

~resume old hobbies like playing soccer, basetball or tennis... anything to get outside more often

~communicate through handwritten letters and postcards once a week (too much of my across the Atlantic communication is through Facebook and e-mail)

~travel as much as possible

~drink a green monster shake 3-5 times per week!

~as always, drink more water! (I am ALWAYS saying, I'm thirsty but never doing anything about it!)

~and this one I kind of loathe - but... ughhhh incorporate some chicken into my diet (more on my 16 years of vegetarianism in another post!)

~be more appreciative of the little things in life

**Share with me any of your goals for the Spring or for your life, in general. It can be super inspiring to know what other people value/what other's goals are.

And, of course, have a fabulous weekend! My French family is visiting and I'm excited!

           xx Kay


Chelsea Talks Smack said...

YES, love this

meg fee said...

yes, i think i'm gonna have to post my own list eventually. yours is lovely--im with you on the running, green monster, being appreciative, becoming more informed.

i do very much want to hear why you're now incorporating chicken into your diet?