Friday, February 10, 2012

material girl in a material world.

or maybe not... Sure, material things are nice. I always feel prettier going to work in a new outfit or having a new piece of jewelry and a hot pair of heels. But, how important are the material things to you? I'd be lying if I said these things don't matter to me. However, if I had the choice, I'd choose the alternative every time.

I would so much rather share a cup of tea and conversation with someone. I would choose a walk or an adventure. I would choose a road trip or a board game. I would choose a game of tennis or a run in the park. I would choose a home-cooked dinner and a wonderful movie. I would choose a good book. I think in these changing times we think everything has to cost money, but it doesn't. There is so much mother nature gives us for free.

So many people forget to stop and be thankful for all the things nature has to offer. They want more, more, more - material things. Too many people are greedy and money hungry, and when they are like this, they miss out on more important things in life. Maybe the things people need are sitting right in front of them, and they are too stupid to see. They want the finer things in life. People have different priorities, I see that, I know that. When will enough be enough?

Change scenery. See the world. Dream big. Love deeply. Be generous. When you hug someone, always let them be the first to let go. But, don't always think that the things you need cost money or the thing that will make you the happiest is having money. I think the less money you have the more appreciative you are. Money makes things easier, of course. There is less stress, but that doesn't mean you have to throw it all away. Look in front of you. While you are searching for the finer things, you are losing out on what matters most.

What are the most important things to you? Would you choose love or money? Would you choose material things or intangible things?

What I'm listening to:
P.S. Isn't Friday the best day!? I'm always happier on Fridays! 

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