Thursday, February 16, 2012


Well I don't have much to say as this week has been anticlimactic. Saturday we woke up very early to go shopping in Germany (I didn't buy anything). However, I did eat delicious falafel.
I did see a woman with a crazy mohawk Afro thing going on.
And, we did, as always, laugh at the German exit signs (because we're immature).
But, that's really all we did. It continues to be either freezing cold, snowing, raining, or sleeting which isn't really fun. I guess that's winter for ya.

I joined the gym here two days ago at the incredible price of 90 euros ($118) per month. I literally gasped. I am not sure what the price of my gym back home is these days, but I used to pay $60 a month and that included a ton of amazing classes, a ton of equipment, two pools, a hot tub, etc etc etc. This gym is SO small - there are only 2 treadmills so it's a game of chance. It doesn't even have dumbbells. It certainly doesn't have any classes. There isn't a place to do any abdominal exercises so I have to come home and do that on my yoga mat. There is a pool... I'll give them that.

I think I am too hard on France sometimes and always want to compare it to the wonderful things I am accustomed to at home... but gosh, in the USA, possibilities really are endless. The United States is a blending of all cultures, and that's what makes it so special.

I am looking forward to the Spring and one glorious month in the USA :) April, are you here yet??

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