Sunday, September 4, 2011

(re)learning the English language.

I spend much of my days struggling with learning French. However, now that I have begun teaching English, I have found that I need to learn this language all over again. Okay, I wouldn't be able to have a blog or communicate at all if I didn't know the basics (and then some), but I need to learn, say.. 7th grade English all over again.

I am embarrassed to admit that I love writing and I always considered myself to be somewhat of a grammar and spelling snob, and I can't explain why I would say "I am going" vs "I will go." Is it active or passive? Or is it future perfect continuous or future continuous? And, when it comes to past tense, is this verb past participle or past perfect? Uummm... I knew that once. I believe.

Teaching English is a lot more difficult than one may think - especially when most of the time I don't know the word it translates to in French. I like the challenge though. I think it will be great for me to improve on my English. It will certainly help me to understand French with a greater capacity.

I like anything that gives me the opportunity to better myself. Gaining a better grasp of my native language is something I should already know and understand, but since I've realized that I don't, I welcome the opportunity to gain this very important knowledge.

One day when I have children, I hope I can emphasize to them how important education is. No video games for them! I guess my parents were on top of their game.

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