Friday, September 23, 2011

6 things.

There are 6 things on my mind right now.

The first thing is kind of funny. So this morning I quickly blow dried my hair. It was pretty much half dry already.  I was looking in the mirror and debating whether my short, wavy hair looked sexy or messy. I was diggin' it at the time so I thought I'd go with the look. I asked my guy what he thought, and he said, "It looks really good." Naturally, I was feeling beautiful. Usually he would be like, "It looks fine, babe" or something equally as uninterested or impartial.

I met him for lunch (meaning, to pick up our take-out that we would each eat individually as the day was crazy). He said to me, "What happened to your hair?" I was like, "OMG, what happened?" I thought maybe a bird pooped on my head or something. He said something along the lines of, "Why is it so messy?" I said, "This morning you said it looked really good." He said, "Yeah, but I thought you knew I was kidding." I guess what looked like sexy, beachy waves or borderline hot mess actually looked like a big, old hot mess. I was too tired, hungry, and busy to be concerned so I rocked the disheveled look all day without a care in the world. It doesn't bother me at all. Who really cares!! :)

The second thing on my mind is that Friday is my longest day of work. Most people are winding down and I am super, super busy. During the middle of the day, when my eyelids are drooping and I'm just so drained, I consider telling my boss it's too many hours and I can't do so many classes on Friday. Then, I get my second wind. When the day is over, I realize it wasn't that bad. I feel happy to have experienced so many wonderful conversations with people. I absolutely love when they don't look at the time and our class runs late because they enjoy being there so much. I said to one man late in the day, at a time when I was feeling really tired - "Okay. That's time. It went by so fast." And he said, "Yeah, too fast!" Maybe to him it was just a comment, but to me, it meant so much. I felt like he valued the time. I don't know. I know I always look way too much into things, but it felt so nice to hear.

The next thing on my mind is electric water heaters. Why don't we use them in the USA? All my life I have sat and waited for the teapot to whistle until now. This is seriously a revelation to me. I drank a lot of tea before, but now I drink WAY more. It takes 2 minutes to heat that water up. It's seriously incredible. I use it to get cous cous made in a flash. I use it to pre-boil my water for pasta - cutting the time of making pasta in half. Really, this baby has a million uses and I will never again live without one. I am drinking a steaming cup of green tea with mint as I write this and will continue to reheat and refill all night long.

The next thing I want to talk about it heat. When is the right time to put it on? My Dad always had this rule about November 1st. It's crazy, right!? I am a firm believer in wearing sweatpants and sweaters and wrapping yourself in a blanket (and of course, drinking hot tea) for as long as possible, but some nights, I am so tempted to turn the heat on and be all cozy and warm. However, I will suck it up.. for at least a few more weeks.

I did, however, put the heat on in the bathroom. I love that the heaters in the bathrooms double as towel warmers here. They are on the wall and have a bunch of rungs to hang your towels on. I love having a nice, hot towel. We hang our robes on there, too! To me, there is nothing worse than stepping out of your hot shower and being blasted by cold air. Now, the problem is, I want to sit on the toilet all night with my computer and my tea just to stay warm!!!

I saw on another blog that Felicity is now available on Netflix and have been watching every episode starting with season 1. I forgot about that show, but not about Kerry Russell's enviable hair. I am beginning to be a bit of a hermit now. Part of what gets me through a work day is knowing I can come home and watch Felicity all night. Last night, I even considered cancelling plans with my friend so I could watch all night. I realized that would be a big sign that I was a LOSER!!! But tonight, here I am, back at my computer and am so excited to watch Felicity until my eyes close.

My Mom sent me the cutest package recently. She sent shake 'n bake, candles, my favorite Vegan cookies, chocolate for my guy, and packs of my favorite pesto mix (as well as 2 beautiful additions to my wardrobe). Let me talk for a minute about these candles. AHHH! Fall isn't so incredible and romantic here as it is back home. I have already burned these candles down pretty far. The smell is incredible and reminds me of home. Mmm... it's so peaceful and wonderful.

Tonight, I can assure you I really won't be sitting on the toilet (well, maybe once or twice). However, I have already lit my fall candles, made my tea, and started getting Felicity ready for viewing. What a night this will be!! My guy will once again be working until forever, but who needs a man when you have Ben.... sighhhhhhh.

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