Sunday, August 14, 2011

topless women + speedos = confidence or no shame?

While on vacation in the south of France (and even before when I was in Italy), I came to see for myself what all Americans think about when we think of European beaches: topless women + men in speedos. I found myself actually full-on staring at people. I can only imagine the satisfaction for men, because even I was enthralled by the idea that there were boobs everywhere! Young, beautiful women - topless. Large women with massive boobs losing the battle against gravity - topless. Teenagers in the IBTC (itty bitty titty committe) - topless. Grandmothers - topless. Daughters at the beach with their fathers - topless. Lesbians kissing in the water - both topless.

Now, I can't decide how I feel about this. When I see enviable women with a perfect pair walking around topless, I deem this an act of confidence. When I see women with bellies like Kirstie Alley (before Dancing with the Stars) and boobs hanging so far south you'd need a crane to lift them, I just can't understand that. Does the top not fit? Is it a money thing? Because even I contemplated the logic in only having to buy a bathing suit bottom... would save me half. Or is simply that women in Europe are more confident and have no shame? *Not only were the topless women a plenty during my beach trip in France, but the women in bikinis, in general. I am more accustomed to the idea that at a certain age and/or weight, the bikini is out and the one piece is in.

I grew up on the Jersey shore. I spent a summer working at the Seaside Heights boardwalk when I was 16. I have seen my fair share of women without shame in their bikinis, but it's not the majority of women like it is on these European beaches. For the most part, where I'm from, "Moms" don't wear two pieces. Big girls don't wear two pieces. I'm not judging anyone here, because I can't really decide which is more admirable... the woman who realizes maybe it's time to cover up or the woman who decides she doesn't give a damn.

BUUUUT... when it comes to families together on the beach and the women are topless, that is not confidence or having no shame, that's just wrong. Don't you think a line should be drawn there? When I see multiple generations coming together for a beach day and the women are topless, that's just weird to me. I don't want to see my guy's mother topless just like I'm sure he doesn't want to see mine. I don't want my Dad to see me topless just like I'm sure he doesn't want to see me prancing around the beach topless.

And last, I would like to defend the Speedo. Yes, people like Arnold Schwarzenegger totally ruin this vision for us; however, those little boxer brief shorties can actually be very attractive. And, I'm totally digging the whole short shorts look on the men right now - specifically one guy in particular! It looks so much classier and definitely way more stylish than the board shorts everyone sports at home. Surfer sexy is out and European chic is definitely in!

So the debate is out people - what do you think? Would you go topless at a topless beach? Do you think it's okay for women to let it all hang out? Do you think the European itty bitty bathing suit (or lack there of) thing is a result of higher levels of confidence or just no shame?

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