Friday, June 3, 2011

new post #good feeling


the beautiful cathedral in Strasbourg


It's true. I love clicking that "New Post" button. Often times, I have posts pre-written in my G-mail drafts waiting in the queue for their moment to be the "New Post." However, that just isn't the case anymore! I've been so busy. I realize I have been noticeably absent (or not so much if you're not an avid reader) from this blog, but I tell ya, sometimes life just happens along so quickly.

I spent a week in Italy, came back to France to an apartment that I had only lived in for 2 days prior to my trip to Italy (and an apartment in which I left a man alone in for a week) so there was a lot to do, I still had 10 hours of French class that week, and then my friends were visiting for 4 days. I'm not complaining because everything has been wonderful, but I went from doing almost nothing to having so much to do. And, I almost can't believe it, but I'm returning to NJ in less than a week.

I think having so much going on is such a nice reminder of how blessed I am. I love traveling. I love my French class and my tutor. I love all the little moments here in France (like when I can carry on a conversation). I love our little apartment. I love that my future has so many paths for me to choose and that I can take this time while I am learning the language to really explore what it is that I want to do when I "grow up."

Of course, life can be frustrating in a new country with a different culture. I'm not used to all this kissing. I seem rude to people. I feel so American. I am always telling my guy, "They're looking at me. They know I'm American." I'm sure it is not the case, but I do feel like an outsider sometimes.

I think all we can do is live everyday for what is is... a new day, a new experience. The future is wide open. Who says it's too late to try something new? I am sitting here listening to French music, cooking my haricots verts, du poisson et des pommes de terre aux herbes de provence (I'm so French!!!) and so at peace with the changes that life brings. Each new day is a new test and a new chance to change your attitude and live it like it's your last. I like that.

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