Tuesday, May 10, 2011

a sandwich worth mentioning.

I decided to write about this sandwich today because although I haven't tried it yet, my guy LOVES this sandwich. I stress the love because he seriously looks like he is having an outer body experience when he talks about it. It's simple to make. You can eat it hot or cold. It's savory and sweet. So, really, what's not to like?

Goat Cheese, sliced
Tomato, sliced
Basil leaves, whole
Olive Oil
Bread of your choice
S&P as you like

It really is super easy to make. You can eat it cold on a baguette like my guy likes. On one side of the baguette, drizzle some olive oil. On the other side of the baguette, spread the honey. Slice the tomato and goat cheese. Add the basil leaves. Add some salt and pepper to taste. Voila!

I told my teacher about this sandwich and she had the same reaction when talking about it as my guy. She said, "You haven't tried this? It's amazing." As a former vegan, cheese is still kind of scary to me so I admit, goat cheese is a big step for me. I have been playing it safe with flavorless cheeses. Also, honey was always an iffy subject when it came to veganism so I haven't really acquired the palette for loving the taste of honey. However, I think the savory oil with the sweet honey is a match made in food heaven! Plus, my love's mother just returned from Morocco with honey straight from the comb! There's no better time than now to give it a try!

My teacher said she makes the sandwich the same way, but she leaves it open-faced. She puts it in the broiler and let's the cheese melt a little. Then, she puts the sandwich over a green salad. She drizzles some balsamic vinegar over that. She eats it with a fork and knife. Doesn't it sound divine? I think the addition of the sandwich over the green salad and with the balsamic drizzled over it may be just the extra ingredients I needed to give this a try!

Now, all I need is a kitchen :) If you give it a try, let me know what you think!

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