Thursday, May 26, 2011

i almost went crazy last night...

So the thing about Europe is, they don't really have screens in their windows. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining. I think the windows here are fabulous. I love that you can crack open the top or open the window totally (it makes people watching very fun because you can emerge yourself completely out the window if someone is really worth a good stare down). I love that you can close the shutters and have complete darkness which makes sleeping in on Sundays so peaceful. I love that I moved the building's garbage can right in front of my window so I don't even need to go outside to "take the garbage out."

However, last night, I was having a bit of a love/hate relationship with the windows that almost had me needing a trip to the loony bin. I was driving my guy crazy as he was working on a really important project (until almost 5am). I just couldn't stop freaking out about the bugs. Literally, I could not be stopped. I was on a mission.

First, I noticed a few bugs lingering around the light on our bedroom ceiling. Then, I noticed that there were no longer a few bugs but seriously (I'm not kidding here), there were almost 200 bugs. After some major freaking out, I thought if I turned the light out, they would go away since it seemed they were attracted to the light. However, then I was just laying there in the darkness listening to their buzzing. We tried the iPhone app that scares the bugs away (and we witnessed at a friend's apartment in Paris that it does work), but the screeching noise meant to scare the bugs away was too much for us to handle.

Since the iPhone method was a no-go, we needed to figure something out and quick. My guy and I had conflicting view points on how to end the madness. He felt we should close the windows so no more bugs could get in. I couldn't comprehend how that could be a logical solution. Yes, no more bugs would be able to get in... but how the heck were all these bugs going to get out then?

I decided I would become.. Kaylan, the great exterminator (aka Kaylan, the crazy). I took the broom and started beating it against the ceiling (smearing some to the ceiling, causing some to fall all over the bed and floor). I took Windex and sprayed the bugs. It became a competition. I was counting - 1, 2, 3... 30... I wanted to get every last bug. In my mind, the big ones counted as double the points. I continued my tirade into the living room and bathroom and throughout the whole house.

Then, because I was disgusted at the mess I caused, I began to give the apartment a deep cleaning. I swept all the mosquito carcasses up and cleaned the bug smears off the walls. I felt this was a perfect time to dust everything, clean the toilet, shower, and vanity. Then, when I finished, I killed some more bugs and swept all the floors all over again. Did I mention it was 3am?

Anyone that passed by our apartment would think we were complete oddballs - the lady marching around with her brooms, the guy seriously trying to concentrate on his work while briefing his colleagues in China for a huge presentation. However, in reality, I'm sure anyone passing at 3am would be too exhausted (drunk) to take a second look.

In the end, I succeeded in killing enough bugs to comfortably fall asleep but seeing as it's only May, we need to find a solution. I love opening my windows! I think tonight we will head to the store to buy some citronella candles. Even as I write this, I see three big ones sitting in the corner. What are they doing? Do they eat the paint? This place is not big. They've got to get bored sometime soon, right? Then, will they tell their bug friends there's a crazy woman in there so they should stay out? God, I hope so!

1 comment:

Kaylia Payne said...

Oh dear, that's no fun!!! I wish I had some advice for you, how awful!