Friday, March 25, 2011

Off to Paris!

Ciao Friends!

I have two more hours of French lessons, and then I'm off to Paris with my love for the weekend.

This will be a great opportunity to practice my French. It will also be a great opportunity to drink espresso at a cafe like in the movies! :) The weather is supposed to be beautiful! It's been over 60 degrees the past two days, and (inch'allah) it will continue into the weekend!

I have been to Paris once before with my sister, but it wasn't exactly the most positive experience. First, it was FREEZING cold. Second, we stayed in the sketchiest hostel in the dirtiest part of Paris. Why we didn't run out of there upon entering is beyond fathomable to me now...!? What were we thinking? We didn't have any hot water. Our beds were chained to the floor. What class!

However, it wasn't all bad. We saw many great sights (including the Eiffel Tower), we ate great food, drank good wine, and danced the night away at a swanky club. I am looking forward to doing all of that again but this time in a nice hotel, with a little bit of French knowledge and a handsome French man at my side.

Au revoir for now! Have a great weekend! Come back and see my post about Paris next week!


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