Tuesday, April 5, 2011

maternity jeans - something to laugh about...

 Don't be confused by the title of this post. I am not in need of maternity jeans (nor do I intend to be for quite some time). However, I do have a funny story about maternity jeans.

This past weekend my love and I were in Strasbourg (post about Strasbourg tomorrow!) where we spent the afternoon bopping in and out of the shops. We decided to go to Strasbourg on such a whim that I hadn't even packed for such warm weather. We decided to go to H&M where we knew we could find a cheap yet cute t-shirt for me.

I saw my love stroll over to the maternity section which was right near the ladies' section where we were browsing. What happened next has made me laugh every day since... (I am laughing as I write this).

I watch him as he takes a pair of maternity jeans into his hands, stares at the black fabric above the waistline and simply ponders this... he looks at me as to say, "What is this for?" However, I am laughing too hard to respond. The best I can do is point to the wall where the display is a bunch of pregnant bellies in maternity clothes. He drops his head, embarrassed and walks to the men's department. I continue laughing hysterically and walk to another section of the store. I am certain I looked like some sort of crazy person, because I just could not stop laughing picturing his baffled face. It was definitely one of those "you had to be there" moments but I assure you that the look on his face was priceless. He was seriously trying to figure out what that extra piece of stretchy fabric's purpose was.

So maybe you had to be there, but I am sure there are other women who have already had babies and once found themselves maternity shopping with their man and in a similar situation. However, your man probably had a clue by your belly what to expect in that section.

As I was walking down the street today, I thought of this little moment and began to laugh again. Sometimes we need something to laugh about and I am happy that my love and I can share these moments together. When two people can laugh at and with each other, that's a good sign. Every time I think of his face that day looking at those pants I will laugh. Then, I will proceed to look around to see if anyone is staring at me, wondering if I am, in fact, crazy.

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