Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My little movie review.

::127 Hours::
I was pleasantly surprised by this movie. I guess I missed all the news headlines about this real life event happening. The night before my love and I went to see 127 Hours, my father (thinking I knew the story) decided to tell me about the something completely disturbing that happens in the movie. Wellllllll, I won't say it here because then I will ruin it for you like he did for me! However, all I can say is that the whole movie I was sitting there wondering... when is THAT going to happen!? Nonetheless, the movie really kept my attention. I was curious if the director would be able to keep my attention for 127 Hours worth of being trapped - and he did. Kudos to the genius behind Slumdog Millionaire, A.R.Rahman. The movie was truly magnificent. It doesn't hurt that James Franco is positively dreamy. This movie also really made my love and I want to be a little more outdoorsy!!

::Love and Other Drugs::
Okay, so anyone that knows me knows that I am a big cry baby. I admit that without shame. Just like any movie, I was in tears after minutes. I don't even think it was that sad, but love is just so precious to me and I am a sucker for a love story. This movie is inspiring, happy, sad, fulllllllll of naked bodies (Jake G's ass is worth the $11), and well, overall one of those feel good movies. I left there wanting to be a better girlfriend. I feel like I am so lucky that my love and I are happy and healthy and we should be more grateful to have each other and be better about telling/showing each other that!

::All Good Things::
One word. Creepy. This movie was really good. I love Kirsten Dunst and was happy to see her in a movie since it's been a while. And, who doesn't love Ryan Gosling after The Notebook (we give him a pass on Lars and the Real Girl)? Anyway, Kirsten plays the role of Kathie Durst, the wife of a wealthy real estate heir in NYC. They meet, fall madly in love, and then the truth starts to unravel about her husband, Robert Durst's past psychological issues. If the movie was portraying the truth, then creepy is all I can say because it seems pretty obvious that Robert Durst killed his wife. The case remains unsolved and he is a free man, living in Florida today.

::The Next Three Days::
My love and I went to see this movie at our favorite theatre on 2nd Ave. on Saturday. This movie was full of suspense and once again had me crying. It is fiction but still had me afterward replaying all the possible scenarios. It is the story of a woman who is falsely charged with murder and sentenced to life in jail. Her husband all but goes absolutely nuts doing whatever it takes to get her out of jail. It was soooo good!

::Tiny Furniture::
Last night, my friend Holley and I went to see Tiny Furniture. It was a quirky, Indie film about a girl discovering herself after having just graduated college. She moves back in with her artist mother and arrogant sister and is dealing with the trials and tribulations of living at home, living in NYC, looking for love, etc. It was a cute movie but more than a little odd.

1 comment:

H said...


You are too cute. And James Franco is hot.

We WILL see Black Swan soon.
