Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Yay for fall jackets!

My favorite thing about getting to wear all my fall jackets again this year are the wonderful surprises I find hiding inside them. Whether it be lip gloss, money (jackpot!!!), old ticket stubs that are reminiscent of past memories, or even receipts that make me laugh - such as those from Goppers Pizza (formerly Goppers, now Corrinados) from 2:30am (the only place in State College that had vegan pizza!), I always love checking my pockets to see what's hiding in all the nooks and crannies. I can never really remember if I meant to leave that $5 bill to find next year or if spring came sooner than I had expected and I just never wore that particular coat again. Nonetheless, I can't wait to wear all my jackets because I know I have many more treasures to find.

Perhaps the best part about my jacket collection this year is... well, it's basically all I have besides my shoes (I would have killed over the shoes!). Last Wednesday night, some mean, mean thieves stole practically everything I own!! I was supposed to move this past weekend so I had been moving everything little by little every time I went out to my car last week. I thought it would make the whole moving thing much easier and much less stressful. BAHHHHH!! That was a terrible idea!!! More about this on my next post....

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