Monday, November 15, 2010

we love D.C.

Memorial Day weekend my love and I decided to travel to Washington, D.C. to see the White House, the Washington Monument, and to go to a Moroccan restaurant I read reviews about on Yelp. We had an absolutely perfect weekend - Saturday night of dancing, Sunday of sightseeing, and Monday of relaxing on the lawn of the mall. It was a romantic weekend in a romantic city. I had been to DC with my family but never with a boyfriend and it was such a different experience. We loved walking the big, clean (!!) streets of our country's capital, seeing the White House by day and night, and enjoying such a culturally diverse city. Yes, we live in NYC so you would think we wouldn't be impressed by cultural diversity since we obviously have that here but there was something new and exciting about the people, the sights, and the culture of DC. I would love to live there one day.

 We ate twice at Marrakesh Palace because after 6 months living in the United States, my love was really missing his mom's home cooking. He had the lamb tagine and I had the vegetable cous cous.... yummmy!! He was even able to buy an authentic tagine which he hadn't stopped talking about before then. I had never eaten food prepared in a tagine before but now I'm a believer!

Here is my love with his tagine on the last day of Ramadan - ready to prepare a feast!

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